Lena Pascoe

Booking update

 Hello lovelies, I present you with booking links for Weds 6-7pm at St Georges Community Centre where   you have the option 3 drop-in options, or if you intend to attend on a regular basis there is a 5 class pass   option (to be used over a 7- week period).
 Also a drop-in option Thurs 6.30-7.30pm at the Beehive Centre. NB Until the light returns i.e.   Springtime, I shall be reserving the right to not go ahead with this class if not enough bookings to make   it viable
 Advance booking essential.
 NB Until the light returns i.e. Springtime, I shall be reserving the right to not go ahead with my Thurs     evening offering at the Beehive centre if not enough bookings to make it viable
 Please bring a mat and other equipment such as blocks/cushions that you need.
 As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
 Love, light and joy.
 Lena xx
 Be a ( spiritual) Warrior not a worrier.