Lena Pascoe

Happening soon……..

Self-care Sessions: a Gathering for women -whatever your stage in life.
Our Gatherings for women have been happening every 5-6 weeks since last year. They’ve been very well received.
The wonderful thing is they’ve attracted a diverse mix of women of different ages and stages in life which I love.
Our Self-care session are always about taking time-out for you. It is in this space that you can give yourself permission to simply be. You’ll feel nourished, renewed, energised, ready to continue with whatever tasks lie ahead.
Some of what to expect :
Self-massage time- this has to be a definite, especially in light of the fact that I can see how much this benefits some, if not all of you.
🦋Sharing food and snacks that are tasty and nutritious- I still smile about the fact that the fermented onion, ginger and honey went down so well- I bought it along due to it’s medicinal qualities and that many of you added it as a relish to your food.
🦋yoga, movement, breath work
🦋practices to enhance health, vitality and joy, leaving you feeling nourished and renewed
🦋Kriyas from the Kundalini tradition of yoga; some of you would have already experienced how powerful kundalini can be
🦋Tuning into the cycles of nature through movement: the yoga practices I share are always tied in with the 5 elements earth, fire, water, air and space as well as being aware of what we can consume to keep us well; one of my mottos is ‘nature provides’.
🦋We’ll move, we’ll flow, and have moments of stillness.
The next one is happening soon- Saturday 13th May 2-5pm at the Wild Goose Space @ The Yard, 228 Mina Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9YP
The invitation is to come exactly as you are because you are perfect as you are. Your starting point is perfect for you.
If you’d like more info please connect with me.
Here’s the booking link: https://bookinghawk.com/events-overview/lena-grace-yoga/824
The early bird price will be available until Sat 6th May.
If finances are an issue but you’d like to join us, please get in touch.
Namaste beautiful ones.